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V Háji st.
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The list of apartments can be scrolled horizontally.
Flat   Layout Floor Area (m2)2) B/L/T (m2)3) Garden
Roof garden (m2)
Price incl. VAT 1)
A1.2.01 2+kk 2nd floor 66,8 4,3 - 11 421 075 CZK
A1.2.02 1+kk 2nd floor 35,8 4,3 - 6 870 850 CZK
A4.2.01 Air conditioning 3+kk 2nd floor 90,4 5,3 33,5 16 008 979 CZK
A4.2.05 Air conditioning 2+kk 2nd floor 57,2 6,0 - 11 382 601 CZK
A4.2.06 Air conditioning 3+kk 2nd floor 102,1 - 44,6 17 521 021 CZK
A1.3.01 2+kk 3th floor 66,8 4,3 - 11 907 464 CZK
A1.3.09 Air conditioning 2+kk 3th floor 56,2 7,9 - 11 791 092 CZK
A2.3.01 Air conditioning 4+kk 3th floor 115,2 12,4 - 19 858 037 CZK
A3.3.06 1+kk 3th floor 20,7 5,5 - in negotiations 5 260 787 CZK
A4.3.01 2+kk 3th floor 60,5 5,3 - 11 351 155 CZK
A4.3.02 2+kk 3th floor 57,4 11,2 - 11 388 202 CZK
A4.3.03 Air conditioning 4+kk 3th floor 110,0 10,9 - 18 512 982 CZK
A4.3.06 Air conditioning 3+kk 3th floor 102,1 8,3 - 17 228 907 CZK
A1.4.03 1+kk 4th floor 36,6 4,3 - 7 414 706 CZK
A1.4.11 1+kk 4th floor 27,7 5,6 - in negotiations 6 394 304 CZK
A2.4.01 Air conditioning 4+kk 4th floor 115,2 13,6 - 20 467 878 CZK
A4.4.01 Air conditioning 3+kk 4th floor 90,0 12,3 - in negotiations 15 707 817 CZK
A4.4.06 Air conditioning 3+kk 4th floor 102,1 7,2 - in negotiations 17 491 743 CZK
A1.5.01 2+kk 5th floor 66,8 4,3 - 12 723 173 CZK
A1.5.02 1+kk 5th floor 35,8 4,3 - in negotiations 7 528 272 CZK
A1.5.06 Air conditioning 3+kk 5th floor 90,7 6,0 - 17 289 924 CZK
A1.5.07 2+kk 5th floor 60,4 5,2 - 12 237 776 CZK
A1.5.09 Air conditioning 2+kk 5th floor 56,2 7,9 - 12 457 523 CZK
A2.5.01 Air conditioning 4+kk 5th floor 115,2 12,4 - 20 889 453 CZK
A3.5.03 Air conditioning 4+kk 5th floor 113,5 13,2 - 20 538 976 CZK
A4.5.03 Air conditioning 4+kk 5th floor 110,0 10,9 - 19 864 029 CZK
A1.6.01 2+kk 6th floor 66,7 4,3 - 13 233 010 CZK
A1.6.03 1+kk 6th floor 36,6 4,3 - 7 835 129 CZK
A1.6.05 1+kk 6th floor 36,6 4,3 - 7 827 743 CZK
A1.6.07 2+kk 6th floor 60,7 5,2 - 12 604 940 CZK
A1.6.08 Air conditioning 2+kk 6th floor 59,0 - - in negotiations 11 340 816 CZK
A1.6.10 Air conditioning 3+kk 6th floor 91,9 7,3 - 17 961 883 CZK
A2.6.01 Air conditioning 4+kk 6th floor 115,2 13,6 - 21 410 461 CZK
A2.6.04 Air conditioning 2+kk 6th floor 46,8 7,2 - 11 125 211 CZK
A3.6.01 1+kk 6th floor 32,7 5,3 - 7 380 467 CZK
A3.6.05 Air conditioning 1+kk 6th floor 41,4 8,8 - 9 493 104 CZK
A4.6.01 Air conditioning 3+kk 6th floor 90,0 12,3 - in negotiations 16 388 704 CZK
A4.6.02 2+kk 6th floor 57,5 10,9 - 12 463 255 CZK
A4.6.03 Air conditioning 4+kk 6th floor 110,2 10,8 - 20 692 888 CZK
A4.6.04 Air conditioning 3+kk 6th floor 86,2 16,6 - 17 593 851 CZK
A4.6.05 Air conditioning 2+kk 6th floor 57,2 6,0 - 12 980 175 CZK
A4.6.06 Air conditioning 3+kk 6th floor 102,1 7,2 - 18 478 457 CZK
A4.6.07 2+kk 6th floor 51,3 7,3 - 11 797 548 CZK
A1.7.02 Air conditioning 1+kk 7th floor 35,8 4,3 - 7 947 974 CZK
A1.7.04 Air conditioning 1+kk 7th floor 36,6 4,3 - 8 024 843 CZK
A1.7.08 Air conditioning 2+kk 7th floor 59,2 - - 11 685 666 CZK
A1.7.09 Air conditioning 2+kk 7th floor 56,2 7,9 - 13 014 574 CZK
A3.7.02 Air conditioning 1+kk 7th floor 41,9 10,7 - 9 385 804 CZK
A3.7.03 Air conditioning 4+kk 7th floor 113,5 13,2 - 21 576 143 CZK
A3.7.05 Air conditioning 1+kk 7th floor 41,3 7,2 - in negotiations 9 815 057 CZK
A4.7.01 Air conditioning 2+kk 7th floor 60,5 5,3 - 12 859 979 CZK
A4.7.02 Air conditioning 2+kk 7th floor 57,4 11,2 - 12 847 098 CZK
A4.7.05 Air conditioning 2+kk 7th floor 57,0 6,0 - 13 349 677 CZK
A4.7.07 Air conditioning 2+kk 7th floor 50,8 7,2 - 12 015 550 CZK
A4.7.08 Air conditioning 2+kk 7th floor 49,2 - - 10 172 649 CZK
A4.7.09 Air conditioning 1+kk 7th floor 26,1 - - in negotiations 5 927 497 CZK
A1.2.03 1+kk 2nd floor 36,6 4,3 - sold
A1.2.04 1+kk 2nd floor 36,6 4,3 - sold
A1.2.05 1+kk 2nd floor 36,6 4,3 - sold
A1.2.06 Air conditioning 3+kk 2nd floor 90,7 6,0 - sold
A1.2.07 2+kk 2nd floor 60,4 5,2 - reserved
A2.2.02 1+kk 2nd floor 20,3 5,5 - sold
A2.2.03 1+kk 2nd floor 20,3 5,5 - reserved
A2.2.05 1+kk 2nd floor 20,3 5,2 - sold
A2.2.06 1+kk 2nd floor 22,3 - - reserved
A3.2.01 1+kk 2nd floor 32,7 5,3 - sold
A3.2.02 1+kk 2nd floor 19,9 5,2 - reserved
A3.2.05 1+kk 2nd floor 20,7 5,6 - sold
A4.2.02 2+kk 2nd floor 57,5 11,2 - sold
A4.2.03 Air conditioning 3+kk 2nd floor 79,5 5,6 - sold
A4.2.04 Air conditioning 3+kk 2nd floor 86,2 16,7 - sold
A4.2.07 Air conditioning 4+kk 2nd floor 102,9 - 34,6 sold
A4.2.08 Air conditioning 1+kk 2nd floor 27,8 5,4 - sold
A1.3.02 1+kk 3th floor 35,8 4,3 - sold
A1.3.03 1+kk 3th floor 36,6 4,3 - sold
A1.3.04 1+kk 3th floor 36,6 4,3 - sold
A1.3.05 1+kk 3th floor 35,8 4,3 - sold
A1.3.06 Air conditioning 3+kk 3th floor 90,7 6,0 - sold
A1.3.07 2+kk 3th floor 60,4 5,2 - sold
A1.3.08 Air conditioning 2+kk 3th floor 59,2 - - sold
A1.3.10 Air conditioning 3+kk 3th floor 91,9 6,8 - sold
A1.3.11 1+kk 3th floor 27,5 5,5 - sold
A2.3.02 1+kk 3th floor 20,3 5,5 - reserved
A2.3.03 1+kk 3th floor 20,3 5,5 - reserved
A2.3.04 Air conditioning 2+kk 3th floor 46,9 8,3 - sold
A2.3.05 Air conditioning 2+kk 3th floor 45,9 7,2 - sold
A3.3.01 1+kk 3th floor 32,5 5,2 - sold
A3.3.02 1+kk 3th floor 19,9 5,2 - sold
A3.3.03 Air conditioning 4+kk 3th floor 113,5 13,2 - sold
A3.3.04 Air conditioning 2+kk 3th floor 46,5 8,3 - sold
A3.3.05 Air conditioning 1+kk 3th floor 41,3 7,2 - sold
A4.3.04 Air conditioning 3+kk 3th floor 86,0 16,5 - sold
A4.3.05 Air conditioning 2+kk 3th floor 57,0 6,0 - sold
A4.3.07 2+kk 3th floor 50,8 7,2 - sold
A4.3.08 Air conditioning 2+kk 3th floor 49,2 - - sold
A4.3.09 1+kk 3th floor 26,1 - - sold
A1.4.01 2+kk 4th floor 66,7 4,3 - sold
A1.4.02 1+kk 4th floor 35,8 4,3 - sold
A1.4.05 1+kk 4th floor 36,5 4,3 - sold
A1.4.06 Air conditioning 3+kk 4th floor 90,8 6,0 - sold
A1.4.07 2+kk 4th floor 60,7 5,2 - sold
A1.4.08 Air conditioning 2+kk 4th floor 59,0 - - sold
A1.4.09 Air conditioning 2+kk 4th floor 56,3 7,1 - sold
A1.4.10 Air conditioning 3+kk 4th floor 91,9 7,3 - sold
A2.4.04 Air conditioning 2+kk 4th floor 46,8 7,2 - reserved
A2.4.05 Air conditioning 2+kk 4th floor 45,6 7,2 - sold
A3.4.01 1+kk 4th floor 32,7 5,3 - reserved
A3.4.03 Air conditioning 4+kk 4th floor 113,5 14,3 - sold
A3.4.04 Air conditioning 2+kk 4th floor 46,4 6,9 - reserved
A3.4.05 Air conditioning 1+kk 4th floor 41,4 8,8 - reserved
A4.4.02 2+kk 4th floor 57,5 10,9 - sold
A4.4.03 Air conditioning 4+kk 4th floor 110,2 10,8 - sold
A4.4.04 Air conditioning 3+kk 4th floor 86,2 16,6 - sold
A4.4.05 Air conditioning 2+kk 4th floor 57,2 6,0 - sold
A4.4.08 Air conditioning 2+kk 4th floor 49,0 - - sold
A1.5.04 1+kk 5th floor 36,6 4,3 - reserved
A1.5.08 Air conditioning 2+kk 5th floor 59,2 - - sold
A1.5.11 1+kk 5th floor 27,5 5,5 - sold
A2.5.05 Air conditioning 2+kk 5th floor 45,9 7,2 - sold
A3.5.04 Air conditioning 2+kk 5th floor 46,5 8,3 - reserved
A3.5.05 Air conditioning 1+kk 5th floor 41,3 7,2 - reserved
A4.5.01 2+kk 5th floor 60,5 5,3 - sold
A4.5.02 2+kk 5th floor 57,4 11,2 - sold
A4.5.04 Air conditioning 3+kk 5th floor 86,0 16,5 - reserved
A4.5.05 Air conditioning 2+kk 5th floor 57,0 6,0 - sold
A4.5.06 Air conditioning 3+kk 5th floor 102,1 8,3 - sold
A4.5.07 2+kk 5th floor 50,8 7,2 - sold
A4.5.08 Air conditioning 2+kk 5th floor 49,2 - - sold
A4.5.09 1+kk 5th floor 26,1 - - sold
A1.6.06 Air conditioning 4+kk 6th floor 119,5 11,6 - sold
A1.6.09 Air conditioning 2+kk 6th floor 56,3 7,1 - sold
A2.6.02 1+kk 6th floor 41,9 10,9 - sold
A2.6.03 1+kk 6th floor 43,8 5,2 - sold
A3.6.02 1+kk 6th floor 41,9 10,8 - sold
A4.6.08 Air conditioning 2+kk 6th floor 49,0 - - sold
A1.7.01 Air conditioning 2+kk 7th floor 66,8 4,3 - sold
A1.7.06 Air conditioning 4+kk 7th floor 119,2 11,5 - sold
A1.7.07 Air conditioning 2+kk 7th floor 60,4 5,2 - sold
A2.7.02 Air conditioning 1+kk 7th floor 41,9 10,9 - sold
A2.7.05 Air conditioning 2+kk 7th floor 45,9 7,2 - sold
A3.7.04 Air conditioning 2+kk 7th floor 46,5 8,3 - reserved


The price list is valid until a new price list is issued. The Developer reserves the right to change the price list at any time until the signing of the Reservation Agreement.

1) The stated price of the apartment includes the currently applicable VAT rate and a share of common areas.

Selected 1+kk apartments do not have a cellar. All other apartments have a cellar included in the price.
The price does not include parking space. It is possible to purchase a parking space for selected apartments. The price of a parking space is from CZK 682,000 excl. VAT.

2) The floor area means the internal floor area of all the rooms of the house, including the floor area of all the vertical load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures inside the house, which is determined in accordance with the definition given in § 3 of Government Decree No. 366/2013 Coll., of 30 October 2013, on the regulation of certain matters related to housing co-ownership

3) B/L/T is the abbreviation of Balcony, Loggia (Enclosed Balcony), Terraces 

4) The prices in EUR are approximate only, they are converted by Česká národní banka (the Czech National Bank) exchange rate on the day and time of display. All the prices and arrangements in the contractual documentation will be in Czech crowns (CZK).

Air conditioning This apartment is equipped with air conditioning

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